
  • D-nc-m120-0001-en-b what is a function

    What is a Function?

    This template originally appeared in Dinah Zike’s Notebooking Central Notebook Foldables Precalculus (NC-M120)A note from Dinah: Welcome! Many of you have been using my Foldables (originally called 3-D interactive graphic organizers) since the 1970s, and...

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  • D-nc-m111-0002-en-b simplify fractions D-nc-m111-0002-en-b simplify fractions 1

    Simplify Fractions

    This template originally appeared in Dinah Zike’s Notebooking Central Notebook Foldables Topic Investigations Fractions 2 (NC-M111)A note from Dinah:Welcome! Many of you have been using my Foldables (originally called 3-D interactive graphic organizers)...

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  • D-nc-m108-0010-en-b algebraic expressions

    Algebraic Expressions

    This template originally appeared in Dinah Zike’s Notebooking Central Notebook Foldables Algebra 1 (NC-M108)A note from Dinah: Welcome! Many of you have been using my Foldables (originally called 3-D interactive graphic organizers) since the 1970s, and...

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  • D-nc-m120-0042-en-b hyperbolas vocabulary

    Hyperbolas Vocabulary

    This template originally appeared in Dinah Zike’s Notebooking Central Notebook Foldables Precalculus (NC-M120)A note from Dinah: Welcome! Many of you have been using my Foldables (originally called 3-D interactive graphic organizers) since the 1970s, and...

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  • D-nc-m120-0041-en-b ellipses standard form

    Ellipses Standard Form

    This template originally appeared in Dinah Zike’s Notebooking Central Notebook Foldables Precalculus (NC-M120)A note from Dinah: Welcome! Many of you have been using my Foldables (originally called 3-D interactive graphic organizers) since the 1970s, and...

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  • D-nc-m108-0041-en-b linear functions

    Linear Functions 1

    This template originally appeared in Dinah Zike’s Notebooking Central Notebook Foldables Algebra 1 (NC-M108) A note from Dinah: Welcome! Many of you have been using my Foldables (originally called 3-D interactive graphic organizers) since the...

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  • D-nc-m108-0009-en-b order of operations

    Order of Operations 1

    This template originally appeared in Dinah Zike’s Notebooking Central Notebook Foldables Algebra 1 (NC-M108)A note from Dinah: Welcome! Many of you have been using my Foldables (originally called 3-D interactive graphic organizers) since the 1970s, and...

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